← nunq.net


Some of the things I made. Full list on GitHub.



huec – C program to control Philips Hue lights from the command line, supports presets.

shelltwitch – CLI tool to check which twitch streamers are online and what they're playing, supports notifications via cron.


behalter – minimal CRUD web bookmark manager with tagging and search. Backend powered by Flask, SQLAlchemy and SQLite.

startpage – startpage for desktop browsers with favorite links, a search bar, music and other useful information.


adhoc-minecraft – collection of scripts that automatically provisions a cloud server and sets it up as a Minecraft server. Save data is persisted on an external cloud storage. Allows running a Minecraft server on a need-to-need basis, thus saving on server costs.

onleihe-dl – uses selenium to download newspapers from German public library services and removes their DRM, thus making it possible to read them for longer than an hour. Also provided is a Nix Shell file that takes care of dependencies and ensures a reproducible runtime environment.

db abfahrten – displays upcoming departures at your local public transport stop, using data from Deutsche Bahn's mobile app.

rpi-scripts – collection of scripts running on my raspberry pi.

linux stuff

mailserver – setup guide for a mailserver, including a DNS guide and config files for Postfix, Dovecot and Rspamd. I ran my own mailserver for 14 months, but then my cloud provider had uptime issues and I stopped.

dotfiles – my arch linux dotfiles.

xdm-simple – minimal grey theme for XDM (X Display Manager).


mathecode – mostly C code that calculates something.

genbooklist – generates a simple html page from an amazon wishlist containing books.

sudoku-solver – a brute force sudoku solver.